13 Security Lab

Office Open XML & Security 본문

Computer Security/Security Articles

Office Open XML & Security

Maj0r Tom 2018. 9. 26. 13:33

1. Introduction

After CFB(Compound File Binary) Format, MS released new office file format now we already familiar.

It is Ofiice Open XML format and it extension added "x" the following the former extension like "docx"

It applied first at Microsoft Office 2007 

Day after day APT attack is increased using MS office 

대부분의 공격은 Office에 삽입 된 Macro 를 통해서 이루어지는 것으로 보임

상위 버전의 Office에서는 보안경고가 뜨고 동의하면 매크로가 실행

보안이 강화되었음에도 여전히 MS Office를 통한 공격 활발

However, OpenDocument and Open XML do not contain only XML: binary parts such as bitmap pictures and OLE objects are still resent. Office suites also rely on external libraries to handle some types of data, and these libraries may be vulnerable

Office Open XML (also informally known as OOXML) is a zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents.

International Standards

The format was initially standardized by Ecma (as ECMA-376) (year 2006, 2008)

and it standardized by the ISO and IEC (as ISO/IEC 29500) (year 2008)

2. MS Office

MS Office File Extension

It used in MS Office apps as Word, Excel, PowerPoint. The common extension are docx / xlsx / pptx

All of MS Office OOXML extension

Word: .docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm

Excel: .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .xlsb, .xlam

PowerPoint: .pptx, .pptm, .ppsx, .ppsm

Each document is stored in a ZIP compressed archive.

It is basically made of several XML files, which are found

at the root of the archive or in subdirectories.

Here are the main XML files inside a common document


content.xml: document body

styles.xml: style data

meta.xml: metadata (author, title, ...)

settings.xml: OOo settings for the document

META-INF/manifest.xml: files description

Note that other non-XML files may also be stored in the


– Pictures and thumbnails: JPEG, PNG, SVG, etc.

– Embedded charts/drawings/documents, OLE objects.

Macros storage: VBA macros are stored in a file named
vbaProject.bin, which path in the archive depends on the
– Word: word/vbaProject.bin
– Excel: xl/vbaProject.bin
– PowerPoint: ppt/vbaProject.bin

This file provided MIME type information for parts of the package, using defaults for certain file extensions and overrides for parts specified by IRI.
This directory contains relationships for the files within the package. To find the relationships for a specific file, look for the _rels directory that is a sibling of the file, and then for a file that has the original file name with a .rels appended to it. For example, if the content types file had any relationships, there would be a file called [Content_Types].xml.rels inside the _rels directory.
This file is where the package relationships are located. Applications look here first. Viewing in a text editor, one will see it outlines each relationship for that section. In a minimal document containing only the basic document.xml file, the relationships detailed are metadata and document.xml.
This file contains the core properties for any Office Open XML document.
This file is the main part for any Word document.

3.  MS Office Security

MSOffice정보은닉 - pbr - dfrc 4p

‘빠르게 저장하기’ 옵션 때문에 생길 수 있는 잉여정보를 이용하여 데이터를 은닉할 수 있음

Package 라는 컨테이너 안에 저장된 여러 파트(Part)들 과 그 파트들 간의 관계로 이루어진다.

1. MS Policy for Security 

Alert Warning message

docm, pptm, xlsm

Word의 옵션으로 매크로 실행 설정을 바꿀 수 있다.

default 는 macro 실행 안된 상태로 macro 실행 여부를 메시지 알림을 띄우는 것

 Macro Settings


 Security Level

 Disable all macros without notification

Not allowed any of Macros

 Very high

 Disable all macros with notification

Not allowed any of Macros, but Alert warning message


 Disable all macros except digitally signed macros

Only signed macros or trusted directories are allowed. 

No warning if signature authority was already accepted or from a trusted location


 Enable all macros

No protection at all



before any access to the document (Simple popup


– High: only signed macros or trusted directories are

allowed. No warning if signature authority was already

accepted or from a trusted location.

– Very high: only trusted locations, no signature, no



오피스 오픈 XML (한글위키)


Office Open XML (영문위키)


OpenDocument and Open XML security (OpenOffice.org and MS Office 2007)


*Office Open XML file formats

